Welcome to the
Kaufmann Protocol.
The Protocol is the first ever organized system that answers the question why we age as organisms. It offers a personalized program to legitimately curb the effects of time on the human body. While aging cannot be stopped entirely, with today’s science we can vastly decelerate the process by controlling the right variables.
Understanding the Protocol can be a bit complex, and certainly it cannot be fully explained on a website. Therefore, think of this site as a basecamp. There’s a lot of information here, and it will guide you through the process, but it is an extremely condensed version.
For a more comprehensive understanding of the system and its theories, the book is the best place to begin. Book 1 explains the Seven Tenets of cellular aging in addition to reviewing fifteen molecular agents that contribute to the deceleration of these processes. Book 2 is a review of twenty-eight additional agents, along with new updates and cellular discoveries.
Because everyone is unique, there is no single strategy or program that is optimal for each individual. There are three very successful protocols offered on this site that target particular aspects of aging.
The Kaufmann Anti-Aging Institute
The Kaufmann Anti-Aging Institute was founded by Dr. Sandra Kaufmann with the solitary goal of educating the public about the field of anti-aging. The first component of this goal is to understand why we age. The second is to strategically develop a plan to stave off these effects.
The KAAI strives to bring the most up to date information to the public, and to translate unfamiliar scientific jargon into usable, practical information