““About a month after starting The Protocol, I could not have imagined how good I would feel. People started complementing me on my complexion, commenting that my face appeared smoother and had a healthy glow.”
— Rese Badalamente, RN
“By my third month on the protocol, I started noticing less hair in my comb. I had to cut my nails more frequently, and the tone of my skin was different.. not like the wrinkles disappeared, but I had a different glow.”
— Christian Quintero, MD, MBA
“It’s crazy, but I feel like my cognition is getting better, my reaction times are shorter, and my strength is better than it’s been in over 20 years. This protocol is a game changer.”
— Massimiliano Mori, RN, BSN
“Dr. Kaufmann’s recipe isn’t a magic potion or random mixture of herbs. It’s a logical application of science. A new awareness has begun and I’m loving it.”
— Luigi Viola, MD
“Thanks to Dr. Kaufmann’s Protocol, I look younger, feel younger, and have more energy than I’ve had in years. I have my life back, and I believe this is an enormous part of my healing.”
— Tim Shea, Athlete
“Dr. Kaufmann is a fount of knowledge about the Fountain of Youth.”
— Chad Saunders, MD
“Extremely useful for creating your own personal protocol, so you don’t waste money on things you don’t need.”
— Ines O'Donovan, PhD CEO, Jeunessima Magazine
“You can take real steps based on real science to live longer and better. When it comes to pragmatic strategies for longevity, Dr. Kaufmann is a true pioneer.”
— James R. Strole, Executive Director, Coalition For Radical life Extension
“Dr. Kaufmann’s Protocol is a science based and medically guided approach to anti-aging. This book is perfect for folks who want to embark in a serious anti-aging journey.”
— Dr. Juan Rivera, MD, Cardiologist and Univision’s Chief Medical Correspondent
“In my opinion, Dr. Kaufmann is the world’s best researcher on anti-aging and longevity.”
— Faraz Khan, Host of Anti-Aging Hacks podcast and founder of FullyVital