The Rating System
One of the keys to using the Kaufmann Protocol effectively is understanding the rating system. The foundation of which is based on The Seven Tenets of Aging:
1. Information systems (DNA)
2. Energy Systems (Mitochondria)
3. Cellular Pathways
4. Quality Control
5. Immune systems (SECURITY)
6. Individual Cell requirements
7. Waste Management
The molecular agents included in this program have all been evaluated and rated in each of the seven categories. Therefore, rather than asking if a particular agent has anti-aging qualities, the questions now become, "Which qualities does it possess?" and "How potent is it in each category?"
In this system, if an agent was found to do nothing, it rates as a "0." On the other end of the spectrum, if the evidence that the agent is exceptional, it is rated as a "3." Scores of 1 and 2 are naturally in between.
As an example, let’s examine Astaxanthin
Astaxanthin carries the Kaufmann Rating:
What does this mean? It means that in the first category, which is preventing aging issues in the DNA, it rates a zero. It does nothing at all. However, in the Energy Systems (Mitochondria) category, Astaxanthin rates as a "3." This is excellent.
In the Cellular Pathways and Quality Control categories, again, Astaxanthin rates as a "0." In the immune system division, it rates a "2," whcih is quite solid.
Lastly, as you now be able to ascertain for yourself, in the Individual Cell Requirement and Waste Management categories, it rates as a "0."
So where does this information originate?
Each score was created after pouring through the scientific literature. Some evidence is purely molecular in nature, some is cell based, some comes from animal models and some is derived from human studies. A very complete explanation for fifteen of the agents, including Astaxanthin, comprises the second half of the book. A more succinct explanation of the other agents ratings is available under the specific agent section.
Each molecular agent has been evaluated and given a rating just like Astaxanthin, thus the role of each individual agent in the program becomes more clear.
More such examples:
These examples demonstrate that each agent is very different. Some are focused in one or two categories, while others might be less potent, but more well rounded.
Understanding that each agent has its own set of properties, it becomes possible to create a complete, comprehensive regimen.
Below is one of the most popular pre-made regimens, called “The Panacea,”
Totals: = 48
There are several important things to note here. First, all seven categories are covered. There are points in each and every column. You cannot maximize anti-aging unless you account for every potential mode of known cellular aging. Second, the ratings in each category are cumulative. Just looking at the first column, it becomes clear that the 2 for pterostilbene has been added to the 2 for curcumin. Lastly, these ratings transform into anti-aging points that will be accounted for on a daily basis. The points in each category are important as is the sum total.
When you select and then confirm your daily regimen on the App (more on this elsewhere), your personal grid will appear, as well as your personal daily bar graph. This will give you a daily score in each of the categories, as well as a daily summed score. This information will be tracked over the week, and then the months that follow thereafter so you can follow your progress.